Marvel heroes and villains have landed at the Eagle Bank Arena in Fairfax for Marvel Universe Live: Age of Heroes.
For those not familiar with Marvel Universe Live, it is run by the same company that produces Disney on Ice and other large arena shows. Whereas Disney on Ice is full of princesses and lovely figure skating routines, Marvel Universe Live is full of superheroes, action, motorbikes, and special effects. Although Marvel Universe Live may have been designed to be the “boy” equivalent of Disney on Ice, my family, which includes two girls and two boys ranging in age from four to 12, were all blown away by this spectacular show with 25 Marvel characters and non-stop thrills.
The show centers around legendary battle to defend the universe from evil! The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man join forces with Doctor Strange, master of the mystic arts, in a race against time to recover the Wand of Watoomb before it falls into Loki’s hands. That said the storyline itself is really secondary to experiencing the immersive experience of being in Marvel Universe. The show has cutting-edge special effects, aerial maneuvers, pyrotechnics, martial arts, motorcycles stunts, and vast video projection that really does create an experience of making you feel as though you are a part of the action. At different points in the show the arena is filled with stars and the large video projections and other special effects are very effective at making you feel as though you are in the different environments the heroes travel to on their quest to save the universe from destruction.
My four year old loved seeing Spider-Man swinging around the arena and catching bad guys with his web that seems to glow in the arena. He was also completely blown away by seeing the Hulk make an appearance towards the end of the show. My eleven year old, who has been reading Marvel comics and seeing Marvel movies for years, really enjoyed seeing this story played out live. My daughters loved all of the women characters incorporated into the show, but be aware that Captain Marvel does not make an appearance.
Don’t miss Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot and Drax make their live show debut bringing their courage and misfit wit to Marvel Universe LIVE! Alongside Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Panther, Hulk, Black Widow, Wasp and Iron Fist, the Guardians of the Galaxy help fight the scheming, menacing and loathsome villains Loki, Yondu and Green Goblin.
Dressing up like your favorite Superhero is encouraged!
Marvel Universe Live is a fun time for the whole family!
For any parents with kids who have sensory issues, be aware that there are some flashing lights, loud sounds, and smoke.
Show Times:
- Friday, March 22 @ 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, March 23 @ 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday, March 24 @ 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday, March 30 @ 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday, March 31 @ 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Tickets Price: $20.
To order tickets call (800) 745-3000 or visit
There is plenty of free parking available at the Eagle Bank Arena. There are two parking lots, one of which is across the street from the arena, so plan a little extra time to walk over if needed.
Enjoy the show!