Cirque du Soleil: Volta

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Cirque du Soleil: Volta is a magical experience that will transport you into a fantastical world the moment you enter the big top tent.  Volta opens with the set of the game show “Mr. Wow” where contestant after contestant performs while the audience and Mr. Wow himself determine if they are “Wow” or “No Wow.”  This is where we are introduced to Waz, who appears on the Mr. Wow show seeking fame, but instead realizes that he has lost his way and seeks to rediscover his true self while looking back onto his fondest childhood memories.

However, as with other Cirque du Soleil shows, the story is not the center of the performance.  Instead, the performers themselves constantly push the limits of what is possible in live theatre by performing feats such as jumping three stories, diving through rotating hoops, performing dances on a moving unicycle and ladder, spinning from the ceiling by hair, and more.

I thought it fitting that Volta opened with the Mr. Wow show since my kids and I actually said “wow” more times than I could count throughout the show.  Volta by Cirque du Soleil is in many ways nothing like a traditional circus as it is a true work of beauty and art, while still incorporating some circus acts with extra care and extra flair.  One act involves a man who cannot get laundromat washing machines to cooperate and stop tossing his laundry baskets around.  It is more entertaining to watch than an ordinary clown bit yet the performer is clearly clowning around.

Volta by Cirque du Soleil is a rare show that is enjoyable for both parents and kids!  My kids (11, 8, and 4) all loved the show.  They were particularly impressed with the closing act that involves five BMX bicyclists jumping and going nearly vertical.  I found it hard to pick a favorite, but the synchronized swiss rings performance tops the list.

Volta has a distinctly urban feel, harkening back to Cirque du Soleil’s roots as a troupe of street performers become becoming the international sensation it is today.  This makes it more accessible to children and families than some other Cirque du Soleil shows currently touring.  Since Volta is town through September there is plenty of time to plan to see a show with the kids, your significant other, or friends.


Good to know:

  • Volta runs through September 29th near Tyson’s Corner. Just look for the big black and white Big Top!
  • Tickets can be purchased here. There are a variety of options including a family pack of four tickets for $149.
  • Parking is available for $25.00 or $20.00 if purchased in advance. Volta is also accessible via the Tysons Corner metro on the silver line.
  • There are snacks and drinks available for purchase inside the big top with options ranging from apple juice to cocktails.
  • Arrive a little early to see one of the performers interact with the audience. You may even get lucky and be invited onto the stage for a selfie.
  • Make a night (or day) of seeing the show and grab something to eat at one of the many restaurants in Tysons’ Corner before or after the show.


OurKids received free tickets in exchange for writing this post, however, the opinions are fully our own. We share both positive of negative aspects of our experiences in order for OurKids readers to know what to expect. We do our best to attend events and places to provide readers with what they need to know before taking their family.

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